
Business pragmatism is finally challenging the ‘Big Waterfall’ industry and acknowledging the need to adapt. Many businesses know that agile principles make sense, however, taking the leap has been made institutionally difficult, in many cases, ostensibly by the very people who promote Agile. The problem? For over a decade self-styled ‘coaches and consultants’ have been …

Why Group Norms Kill Creativity « PsyBlog

Research shows group members equate creativity with conformity. Selbsverständlich! (german: obvious) Creativity is a much coveted asset for a very simple reason: an idea that transcends orthodoxy has the power to bring wealth, fame and status. Commercial, scientific, educational and artistic organisations, therefore, often talk about how they want to foster creativity. Unfortunately groups only …

Some ideas around value

Everyone talks about being ‘sustainable’ but what exactly does that mean when it comes to team engagement? Simple – treat your staff and people like valuable human beings – your social capital is important as society adjusts to a new generation of younger thinkers. These younger thinkers are in a position where they will soon …

Wisdom and Complexity

[pullquote1 quotes=”true” align=”left” variation=”coffee”]Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.[/pullquote1] Economist Ernst Friedrich Schumacher

Does COP15 have the truth as a basis to work from?

Yesterday evening in the company of a few people (who hold opinions I respect greatly), I asked a truly ho-hum topical question, “So, does the COP15 lot have the climate science thing settled – are they in posession of the truth, are they working with the unreasonable openness and candour that is the hallmark of …